Pronunciation Resources on the Web
Updated July 17, 2010




Teacher Resources

Vocal Anatomy



Recording Software

Commercial Sites

Exercises for Students

American English Pronunciation Practice
Charles Kelly (2001)
Twenty-four minimal pair lessons with sound files, plus a song, a limerick, and a few tongue twisters.


ESL Learning Centre: English Pronunciation

Includes lessons on word stress, sentence stress, pronunciation of -ed, and pronunciation of 'the.'


Fun Easy English: American English Pronunciation


Howie Hayman


As set of lessons, including video clips, focusing on forty-four sounds of English.  The general site is designed to provide free information and resources for students and teachers.


Interesting Websites for Pronunciation Practice


Deborah Healey, University of Oregon


This is a list of links to selected sites that are 'good and easy for students to use.'  Each link is accompanied by a brief description.


Online Intonation
John Maidment, Department of Phonetics & Linguistics, University College London
A set of exercises intended to provide practice in associating the sound of an intonation pattern with a commonly used system of notation.


John Maidment, Department of Phonetics & Linguistics, University College London
A set of exercises in perceiving tonic stress (sentence prominence).  User sees and hears a sentence and then manipulates onscreen arrow keys to place stress on the correct syllable.


Pronunciation Tips


BBC Learning English



This British site includes text and video lessons, exercises and quizzes.


The Vowel Machine
John Maidment, Department of Phonetics & Linguistics, University College London
Multiple-choice listening exercise for isolated words, focusing on distinguishing vowel sounds.  Uses British pronunciation.


John Maidment, Department of Phonetics & Linguistics, University College London
A set of exercises in perceiving final intonation contours (called nuclear tones).  User sees and hears a sentence and then chooses from seven possible contours.
  Sentences are spoken in British (RP) English.

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General Pronunciation Sites & Additional Links


Authentic American Pronunciation
Eva Easton
Part of E. L. Easton language teaching site.
 Requires a lot of navigation, but rich in audio files and links to other resources.


English Pronunciation
Covers both British and American pronunciation.  Good resources if you can put up with the advertisements.


English Pronunciation
Virtual Language Center, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
 The sound files on this page can take a long time to download.  Also, the site frequently has technical difficulties.


English Pronunciation/Listening
Okanogan University College
Includes QuickTime movies of dental fricatives.


English Pronunciation Tip of the Day
John Maidment, Department of Phonetics & Linguistics, University College London
Includes audio files.
 Pronunciation is British English.


ESL Independent Study Lab - Pronunciation
Michael Krauss, Lewis & Clark College
This is an organized list of web resources, graded by level.


ESL: Pronunciation
Internet TESL Journal
A list of pronunciation links of interest to both teachers and students.  See also the 'Links for Students' at the top, then select 'Quizzes,' 'Quizzes with Sounds.'


A variety of resources, including diagnostic readings, exercises, minimal pair lists, links, and textbook recommendations.


Similar to eslGold.
 From the above link, click on 'Pronunciation.'


Pronunciation Sites for International and ESL Students
Student Learning Centre, Flinders University, Australia
A list of links to WWW resources especially chosen for students.  Includes a link to audio files of various accents of English, male and female versions.  The focus is on Australian English.


Pronunciation Web Resources
Marsha Chan, Sunburst Media for Language Learners
Another menu of links to WWW resources, including pronunciation courses with audio and animation.  Although housed on Marsha Chan's web site, this menu was originally developed by Donna Brinton and Chris LaBelle at UCLA, and overlaps with 'Sites for Teaching Pronunciation' below.


Sites for Teaching Pronunciation
Donna Brinton and Chris LaBelle


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IDEA: International Dialects of English Archive
Paul Meier & Shawn Muller
A well documented collection of recordings of accented English from throughout the World.

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab
Randall Davis
Scripted listening exercises with multiple choice questions.
 Includes link to related Randall site, 'Train Your Accent,' which focuses on relaxed pronunciation.

Speech Accent Archive
S. Weinberger, George Mason\ University
Provides an English passage read by speakers from many different language backgrounds.

The Audio Archive
Igor Merfert
A collection of sound files for listening to a variety of English dialects from
'center countries' plus India.

Worldwide Accents of English
Gabriele Azzaro
Well-organized sound clips of a variety of English dialects.
 Site includes a commentary on RP, GenAm, Scottish, USA Southern Mountains, Texan, Russian, Black African, Asian Indian, and Nigerian.

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English IPA Sounds


Rebekah Mattox ('Becks')



Unusual site showing lip position and side diagram of vocal organs for English sounds.  Unfortunately, the position of the velum (velic closure) is inaccurate.


English Phonetic Alphabet
English Department of Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Includes consonant and vowel charts with recorded segments of each sound.
 Video animations of the oral tract are unfortunately inaccurate.

fenetiks: The Sounds of Spoken Language
University of Iowa
An excellent resource for articulatory descriptions of consonants and vowels.
 Includes animated cut-away side views.
Sound clips of selected sounds in a variety of English dialects, as well as other languages.

Interactive Sammy
Daniel Currie Hall
'radio buttons,' this interactive page allows you to manipulate the setting of the lips, tongue, velum and vocal cords on a 'Sammy' diagram, and displays the IPA symbol for the sound corresponding to each configuration you construct.

International Phonetic Association
Includes complete chart of all IPA symbols for all language sounds.

SIL Encore IPA Fonts
The SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics) IPA fonts can be downloaded from:
You need to read the README files and help packages to find out how to use the fonts.
 I would recommend the older 'Legacy fonts: SIL IPA93.20,' as they appear to be more user-friendly.

Symbols for American English Vowel Sounds
George L. Dillon, University of Washington
A reference chart of English and British vowels and diphthongs. Point to a key word to hear it pronounced.
 A link to 'British/American Vowels' provides companion vowel charts of the two dialects.  Vowels in each can be heard by pointing in the same way.

The Anatomy of Vowel Production


Patrick Leary



Side view of mouth showing tongue position for 13 different vowel sounds.  Click on a vowel to hear it and see the tongue position.

The Sounds of English and the International Phonetic Alphabet
Includes audio (.mp3) of minimal pairs, some for both American and British English.

UCLA Phonetic Data
Peter Ladefoged, UCLA
Includes a web version of the CD that accompanies two of Ladefoged
's classic texts.  Includes film of larynx in action.  Also includes recordings of sounds from many of the world's languages.  To access these resources, don’t click on the book titles.  Rather, click 'index of languages,' then 'English,' then 'return to contents page.'


Vowel Sounds


Joel Goldes, 'The Dialect Coach'



Includes a vowel chart and diagram of the parts of the tongue, with text explaining the English vowels.  Does not include sound.


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Resources for Teachers

Acton Multiple-modality Pronunciation & Intelligibility Systems


Bill and Suzy Acton



This semi-commercial site provides background on Bill Acton’s multi-modal approach to pronunciation instruction, including the concepts that body movement and touch are essential to effective pronunciation pedagogy.

Common Mistakes in English by Language Background
Ted Power, English Language Learning and Teaching.
Common pronunciation errors for learners of English from 19 different language backgrounds.

Computer-Mediated Tools in Teaching Speaking and Pronunciation
Deborah Healey
This page includes a link to a PowerPoint presentation from the TESOL2007 Technology & Speech Academic Session panel:
'The effectiveness of computer technology in teaching speaking and pronunciation skills.'  The page also includes links to various technology resources.

Dave's ESL Cafe Idea Cookbook: Pronunciation
Dave Sperling
A vast inventory of pronunciation activities submitted by readers.

English Tongue Twisters
Michael Reck
Part of the '1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters.'
 Lists 404 English tongue twisters.

IATEFL Pronunciation Special Interest Group

This is in some sense the British version of the TESOL Speech and Pronunciation Interest Section.  Note: IATEFL stands for 'International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language.'


Non-native pronunciations of English

Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia

A useful but non-authoritative resource.  Like 'Common Mistakes' above.  Includes 38 language groups.

Overview of Pronunciation Software
Deborah Healey
This is an updated handout from a TESOL 2002 presentation (last updated in May, 2005).
 It includes a table listing commercial pronunciation software, with descriptions, prices, and links to reviews.

Sounds of English
Sharon Widmayer, George Mason University
This site is rich in resources, well worth spending a lot of time in.
 Includes a variety of exercises for students, some imbedded in 'handouts' from presentations.  Includes handouts for three presentations and two Pre-Convention Institutes from the TESOL 2007 convention.

Straight Up English



A commercial site that offers free services: Downloadable lesson plans related to pronunciation and videos of teacher-centered presentations.


Supports for Pronunciation Teaching
John Murphy, Georgia State University
A list of references, most of which are included in the course bibliography.
 Includes links to annotations of some references and to some authors, in case you would like to make e-mail contact.

TESOL Speech and Pronunciation Interest Section
An excellent resource.

Tongue Twisters


This is a brief article on tongue twisters with links to additional tongue twister sites.

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Speech Recording and Analysis

Free, downloadable software for recording and editing sound files.

Praat: Doing Phonetics by Computer
Paul Boersma and David Weenink, Institute of Phonetic Sciences, Univ. of Amsterdam  [or]
Offers free downloadable software that teaches vowel and diphthong production by means of vowel chart plotting.

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Vocal Anatomy

Laryngeal Video Recordings: Pitch
James P. Thomas, MD
'Slow motion' video of female vocal cords, comparing high and low pitches.

Normal Larynx Video
Kevin Cavanagh, MD
21 second video of female larynx, singing a high note.

Voice Speech Source: The Larynx
Eric Armstrong
Provides anatomically accurate and clearly labeled images of the larynx.  Also, 'IPA charts' in the side bar links to a chart of IPA symbols.  Clicking on a symbol activates an audio file of the corresponding sound; consonants are pronounced in initial, medial and final position, vowels with both level and falling intonation.

Commercial Sites

American Accent Training
Ann Cook
Offers a selection of free material, including explanations, a few audio files for listening, and a sample of reduced forms (e.g.
'kwee geddit' = 'Can we get it?')

The Streaming Speech Project
Richard Cauldwell
This site is essentially an advertisement for an online course, but offers a free demo.
 The focus is on linking in connected speech ('streaming speech').  It demonstrates the possibilities for computer aided instruction in intonation.

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